Colombian Spanish eBook
“Juan David was throwing dogs at an old woman”. “Diana met a monkey on a goat”.
Try and translate Colombian slang literally and you’ll rapidly come to wonder what the hell locals are talking about. Help is at hand, however, in this innovative and comprehensive guide to the Spanish spoken in Colombia.
Written by a British journalist, and long-time Colombia expat, is packed full of tips to help you move away from speaking ‘gringo Spanish’, to mastering the language as it is actually spoken in Colombia.
Unlike most language books, which contain nothing but grammar and written exercises, provides an easily accessible tour through the language heard in everyday social situations in the country.
The book explains how to use hundreds of local slang terms and expressions, and provides all the linguistic tools you’ll need to make jokes, socialise with, and date Colombians.
Do not leave for Colombia without it.
Includes 3 file formats for you to enjoy: Kindle, ePub and PDF.